
size 1 for women under 30 women who haven't had children

September 2011 Birth Club

It's used for AF so some info may be TMI.
Anyone else use one? I LOVE it!! This is my first cycle I've gotten to use it and it is so much easier, cleaner natural. Even if it wasn't "green" I would probably want to use it because of how much easier it is. You can shower, pee do whatever you want while wearing it. I feel so much cleaner more secure. I have a really heavy AF so I'm always worried about leaking but not as much with the diva cup. You can leave it in up to 12 hours too.
I was really hesitant to buy it because I thought it was gross looked uncomfortable. It's way more comfortable than a tampon SO much cleaner than pads. It's really easy to put in too. Also there are two sizes, size 1 for women under 30 women who haven't had children, then size 2 for women over 30 or women who have had children. I got the size 2 and I'm under 30 have never had a vaginal birth it fit fine. If you have any concerns about your own health or the health of your child, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Please review the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use before using this site. HotNews PJMY12XIAOXU0827 :

