
and climb up and down our steep basement steps herself. Full Article

Archives for Adina Soclof LadyPens

Good Parenting: Learn Ways To Cope With Your Family Bad Moods
Written on April 30th, 2012 | 0 Comments
Sometimes holidays can be challenging. The Passover holiday was fun. Our family spent a lot of time together. I would like to tell you that it we all behaved and it was an idyll, serene time. However, I would be lying. We had lots of good times but quite often conflict reared its head. We all took turns being irritable and whiny (yes Louis Vuitton mens wallet, even the adults), short tempered and peevish. Full Article
Empathy For Kids: Show Them You Understand
Written on December 16th, 2011 | 0 Comments
Empathy is one of the best techniques that you can use when communicating with your children. In my classes I encourage parents and caretakers to learn how to deliver empathy to their children. Why? Because being empathetic with your kids helps them see you really care about them and respect their feelings. Once they feel your respect and your love you will see more cooperation and less power struggles. Full Article
Children and Choices: The Secret To Raising Independent Kids: Part 2
This past year, I had a back injury and was in bed for a week. my kind husband, kids and in-laws to take care of my most basic needs. It was not a pleasant experience. It was tough to be so completely dependent on my family. They were kind, gracious and doting and all I wanted to do was jump out of bed and take my rightful place as primary caretaker and happy homemaker. I remembered when my kids were toddlers and they would yell, want to do it myself! I could really relate. Full Article
Offering Children Choices The Secret To Raising Independent Children
I just spent the weekend with my 2 year old niece. My kids are now older and I forgot how much fun it is to spend time with a toddler. They say the funniest things. I had also forgotten that all 2 year olds to do it myself! That seemed to be a recurrent theme these past few days. Mara wanted to pick out her own clothing, put on her own shoes, and climb up and down our steep basement steps herself. Full Article
Foster Independence In Your Kids: Be An Asking Parent
One of the most important jobs we have as parents is to help our children develop their independence. Part of that job means we need to help them think for themselves. This is important because we the parents aren going to always be there for our kids. Children need opportunities to develop their own judgments and use their own instincts. They need to make mistakes and learn from them. In order to do this, Jane Nelsen of Discipline says we need to be parents instead of parents Full Article
4 Simple Ways To Help Your Child Succeed At School
We all want our kids to do well in school. However, many parents may feel that their child academic successes and failures reflect their parenting abilities. If their child succeeds than they have succeeded. If their child fails they think they have failed as parents. This can lead to parents becoming hyper-focused on their child achievements. This is tough on kids. Children brought up in this type of environment become overwhelmed by the unspoken demands of their parents. Full Article
When kids complain parents often don know what to do. Parents may try to convince their children that there is nothing to complain about or they will try to fix the situation to make their child happy. Either way kids will still whine and grumble. The best way to handle your child gripe is to deliver empathy. This will make children feel heard and it will also teach them to take responsibility for their own negative feelings. Empathy helps children understand that they are not prisoners to their tough emotions. Kids do not like to feel annoyed and irritated, nobody does, but they may get bogged down in their unpleasant emotions. Empathy helps pull them out of their bad mood and it teaches children that they have control and can be in charge of their moods. HotNews PJMY12XIAOXU0827 :

