What Common Secret Disorder Do They Share
Bulimia is one of many serious eating disorders that is sometimes goes unrecognized, by family and friends. This disorder cause the victim to think 24/7 about food, bathrooms, laxatives, bingeing, purging, excessive exercising or fasting. These binge eaters will sometimes gorge late at night, and possibly go to 2 or 3 different supermarkets so the cashiers won't suspect what they're doing. Then because of their shame, they'll replace the food in the refrdigerator, so nobody will suspect what they've eaten in secret.
Notice their knuckles, do they look like they've been cut or bleeding
Bulimia is most prevalent in young and middle aged women. Society's obsession with weight has affected women (and men) deeply. This compulsion to rid themselves of the calories or foods they have just eaten is a risk to their long term health as well as having severe side effects. By constantly binging and purging and using laxative these women are jeopardizing their health by causing serious imbalances in their bodies electro lyes putting their hearts and other body organs in serious danger.
A number one sign, is if someone leaves a meal right after it's done or even between courses, to use the 'restroom'. Usually they excuse themselves by saying the food didn't agree with them or they have the flu. Did you happen to notice when they emerged from the bathroom if their knuckles were scraped or grazed? Another sign of a purger. They probably will have watery eyes, and sometimes attribute this to problems with their contact lens. Their cheeks may look blotchy, another sign, and you may hear running water to disguise the sound of them vomiting.
Other signs are that their trash cans or handbags have empty boxes of laxatives, or diuretics. They buy large quantities of syrup of ipecac,something a pharmacist may notice. This is used to induce vomiting in young children who may have ingested something dangerous. Does your friend exercise compulsively? Healthy exercising is what we need to do, but not an excessive amount. Within the first six months of this behavior bulimics begin to lose enamel on their teeth, and many times their dentists are the first care health professionals to recognize these signs. They develop a need for root canals, cavities and other dental problems, caused by the acid coming back up their throat when they vomit. Also, they develop problems with their esophagus, like GERDThose vulnerable to this eating disorder are people faced with tremendous pressures to stay thin. Some professions are models, gymnasts, runners, wrestlers,jockeys, actors and ballet dancers. Jane Fonda, Princess Diana, Lindsay Lohan, even Billy Bob Thornton have struggled with or admitted to having an eating disorder. These are just a few examples of people who admitted they battle these disorders. We need to identify these signs in our friends and family members before they die because of this compulsion and obsession with weight and body image.
Thanks that is so interesting, i have never come across this but will have more idea if i do. also thank you for your coment on forget your not there this poem is indeed about mum, she passed a way with cancer only 5 months ago. I think you will like the one called you go (Tissues to the ready.) and ive just added a tribute to my friend who little guy died very young. This is called you know little diamond your mothers a star If you get chance to read them i would love to hear your thoughts.